
Avoid losing airline customers with Payment Orchestration

Blog Avoid losing airline customers

Customer retention plays a pivotal role in the success of airline merchants. The aviation industry is incredibly competitive, and customers are difficult to attract, so when you do gain a customer, it’s imperative to keep them. A recent study has shown that even a modest 5% increase in customer retention can lead to a substantial revenue boost (25% to 29%) and a significant increase in profitability (25% to 95%).

To achieve authentic and long-lasting customer relationships, airline merchants must address the pain points that drive them away, including a disparate and inefficient checkout process.

This is where Payment Orchestration comes into play. By streamlining and optimising the payment process, Payment Orchestration addresses the frustrations faced by customers, eliminating complex payment flows and limited payment options.

In this article, we’ll explore how Payment Orchestration helps airline merchants strengthen their customer retention strategy and improve their digital customer experience.

Retaining customers at checkout

Losing customers during the checkout process is a pressing concern for airlines. Recent research reveals that the travel industry has the unfortunate distinction of having the highest cart abandonment rates, with nearly 79% of potential customers leaving before completing their transactions. This represents a significant missed opportunity for airlines.

A variety of factors can cause abandoned carts. However, frustration with the checkout process or limited payment methods plays a big part. Fortunately, Payment Orchestration provides a solution to address these challenges. By implementing Payment Orchestration, airline merchants can optimise payment flows and simplify the checkout process, making it quick, easy and user-friendly.

As a result, Payment Orchestration platforms can remove friction during checkout and increase the likelihood of customers completing their transactions, which ultimately improves customer retention and maximises conversion rates.

What’s more, by offering a variety of payment methods and seamlessly integrating them into the customer journey, businesses can cater to individual preferences, which creates convenience for customers. Furthermore, Payment Orchestration platforms come loaded with advanced fraud prevention tools and real-time monitoring, guaranteeing a secure environment for customers and thus enhancing their trust and confidence.

Creating a frictionless digital customer experience

In today’s online-first world, delivering a seamless digital customer experience is crucial to retaining customers and enhancing brand reputation. Research highlights that exceptional customer service can lead to a remarkable 93% of customers choosing to make repeat purchases.

Payment Orchestration plays a crucial role in creating a frictionless digital customer experience. By offering a unified payment interface, airlines can make the checkout process as straightforward as possible, eliminating unnecessary steps and lengthy payment procedures. With Payment Orchestration in place, customers won’t need to navigate multiple payment gateways or re-enter their payment information repeatedly. Additionally, it allows businesses to optimise transaction routing, dynamically selecting the most convenient and reliable payment options based on customer preferences, location, and other relevant factors.

With Payment Orchestration, customers can enjoy a hassle-free and seamless payment process, enhancing their overall satisfaction and improving their loyalty to the brand.

CellPoint Digital excels at delivering a seamless customer journey from booking to payment. Our Payment Orchestration solutions provide a unified interface that integrates multiple payment methods, ensuring customers can choose their preferred option effortlessly. We prioritise user-friendly interfaces, fast loading times, and smooth navigation to minimise frustration during the payment process.

Addressing high operational costs

Airline merchants often face significant challenges related to high operational costs, with labour expenses being a major component. Approximately 35% of airlines' operating expenses are attributed to labour, and overall operating expenses account for about 75% of all non-fixed costs.

To alleviate these cost pressures, Payment Orchestration can be a valuable solution. By consolidating payment operations, airline merchants can streamline processes, reduce manual efforts, and eliminate unnecessary expenditures such as administrative costs.

By integrating multiple payment providers into a centralised platform, businesses can eliminate the need for separate integrations and maintenance for each provider. This consolidation leads to significant cost savings in terms of development resources, IT infrastructure, and maintenance efforts.

Moreover, by leveraging automation, analytics, and intelligent routing, businesses can minimise transaction fees, reduce processing errors, and improve overall operational efficiency, resulting in substantial cost reductions.

CellPoint Digital's Payment Orchestration solutions are designed to optimise costs and deliver tangible benefits. Our advanced technology and expertise help airline merchants optimise their payment operations, achieve cost savings, and create a more financially sustainable business model.

Enhance your customer retention strategy with CellPoint Digital

When it comes to your customer retention strategy, CellPoint Digital is your trusted partner. Our Payment Orchestration solutions are specifically designed to help merchants from all industries, including travel and aviation, drive customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Providing a seamless payment experience empowers airlines to retain customers at checkout and reduce cart abandonment rates. Our unified payment interface ensures a frictionless customer journey from booking to payment, enhancing the overall digital customer experience.

With CellPoint Digital, you can optimise operational costs, improve your customer retention strategy, and boost your profitability. Contact us today and let us help you retain more customers while simplifying your payment process.