Five Star Payment Solutions
for Hospitality

Maximise revenue and minimise costs with a unified payment solution tailored for the intricacies of the hotel industry.

Why CellPoint Digital

Upgrade your payment stack with our Leading Payment Orchestration Platform

Achieve your payment optimization goals with us - from boutique hotels to global chains, CellPoint Digital is your trusted partner in your payments journey.

Tailored Solutions for every hospitality need

Luxury Hotels & Resorts: Integrate complex booking structures and loyalty programs

Budget Accommodations: Streamline ancillary revenue streams

Vacation Rentals: Optimize for local and international payment preferences

Benefits: Financial Value

Orchestrate and Optimize payments for a direct route to success

  • Intelligent routing to maximize transaction success
  • Multi-acquirer setup to reduce declined payments
  • Real-time monitoring and automated retries
Benefits: Customer Experience

Enhance your Guest Experience

We act as your co-pilot, empowering you to streamline and deliver a smooth payment experience for every mile of your customer journeys.

  • Seamless omnichannel payments across web, mobile, and kiosks
  • Support for 40+ payment methods favored by global travelers
  • One-click payments for faster bookings and ancillary purchases
Benefits: Operations

Upgrade your Payment Operation

  • Consolidated reporting across all payment channels
  • Automated reconciliation and simplified auditing
  • Lower transaction fees through smart acquirer selection

Discover payment innovations and industry insights

Seamless Integration, Powerful Results

Ready to upgrade your payment experience?

Take off with smarter, more efficient payments today.

Your direct route for payment success.