
What is omnichannel payment processing?

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The importance of superior payment processing in the airline industry cannot be overstated. With so many modern customers now looking to buy flights online, it’s more important than ever to make the payment procedures flawless for them. But what exactly is payment processing?

Simply put, the term ‘payment processing’ refers to a digital system controlled by a business or merchant responsible for validating digital transactions from customers. This system allows e-commerce merchants, such as airline vendors, to control and oversee payments made 24/7 from customers paying for flights from around the world using various payment methods.

In the past, due to technological limitations, digital payments were often cumbersome and frustrating processes for consumers – not to mention limited in terms of the type of payments offered.

However, as new technology has come to the fore, the overall payment process has now become much smoother for all concerned. You might imagine that these advancements are a boon all around. But there are some drawbacks for vendors. Namely, the fact that new innovations in payment processing for the vast majority of industries engaged in e-commerce mean that contemporary consumers expect a flawless and speedy payment experience.

The importance of smooth payments

For starters, remember that the smoother the payment process is, the more likely it is that a vendor can encourage customers to return to the site and buy tickets again in the future. This, in turn, guarantees repeat business and more long-term sales and revenue.

Conversely, the more difficult, complex, or time-consuming the payment process is for consumers, the more likely they are to become frustrated, give up, and leave, never to return.

We’ve all experienced the annoyance of having to deal with an obtuse payment process that demands signing into accounts and verification after verification. Negative experiences like this will discourage potential customers and convince them to opt for one of your airline’s direct competitors.

In a globalised digital marketplace, it’s crucial to accommodate as many currencies and payment methods as possible. Modern customers want all their payment needs catered for and don’t like it when an airline’s checkout limits them to a narrow choice of payment options.

Indeed, this is particularly common across the airline industry as a whole, which boasts one of the highest cart abandonment rates of any sector.

According to data provided by Zippia:

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Because of this, airlines need to ensure they are accommodating as many payment categories as possible to maximise sales and retain customers. This is why online businesses, and airlines in particular, can benefit from an omnichannel payment processing system.

But what does omnichannel payment processing mean, and how can it help airline vendors in particular?

What are omnichannel payment platforms and processing

Omnichannel payment platforms provide businesses with the facility to evolve their payment processes.

The term ‘omnichannel payment processing’ refers to the process of vendors accepting multiple payment options from consumers. It’s a system that’s designed to provide customers with as many ways to pay for their flights as possible.

Omnichannel payment processing encompasses numerous online and offline channels, such as:

  • Credit/debit card
  • Direct debit
  • Mobile wallets
  • POS systems
  • Manual bank transfers
  • Email invoicing

More payment options open the online store to more potential consumers. As such, it’s clear that an omnichannel approach bears significant advantages for consumers looking to book a last-minute business trip or their dream vacation. But what are the advantages of omnichannel payment processing for the vendors themselves?

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The benefits to vendors

The key benefit for airline vendors is that omnichannel payment platforms combine multiple payment methods into a single unified system. This makes it far easier for airline merchants to monitor their inventory and oversee all incoming payments through one platform, rather than having to supervise multiple payment outlets simultaneously.

Another plus is that omnichannel payment processing offers vendors all-in-one reporting for simplified account reconciliation, making it easier for airline merchants to prove that their purchases reflect correctly on their balance sheets and income statements.

There is also the added bonus of the purchasing data that omnichannel payment processing provides. The omnichannel system makes it more straightforward for merchants to consolidate the purchase journeys of customers across all their channels. As such, this means that they can get better insights and a clearer perspective on the consumer journey, allowing them to adjust their prices, store layout, or services accordingly.

Finally, omnichannel payment platforms grant consumers an improved payment experience. This has a benefit to airline vendors as it makes consumers far more likely to return to the site in future, thereby fostering brand loyalty.

Optimise your checkout experience today with CellPoint Digital

So, if you’re considering switching to an omnichannel payment processing system, but are intimidated by the task, then don’t worry. Cellpoint is here to help.

CellPoint Digital’s omnichannel payment platform has already helped a number of major airlines to massively improve their customer experience, ultimately aiding to boost revenue and retain customers.

If you’d like to get started, contact CellPoint Digital today to learn more about our payment processing solutions now.